"What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others."
There are many versions of the golden rule, all relgions have their own, but the meaning is the same in each. If you wouldn't want to be treated a certain way then don't act that way yourself. I believe the entire philosophy is more about thinking about your words and actions before you do or say anything. Most people forget this in the heat of the moment but it truly is a good rule to live by if you can.
The first round of a new bi-weekly event starts June 10th known as Tales of Fantasy. The twist to this event is that each round will be different. This round is gacha's, but they can run from exclusives to semi exclusives, hunts and number of styles for the event itself. Aisling has produced the Eunice set for the gacha that is set around god & goddess'. The stones are color change and everything is resizable and detailed as always.
Ramya, a division of Yasum, has just released a new skin as well, and I have to say the lips are THE best I have seen in a very very long time, the tones are delicious and you can tell she has paid as much attention to her texturing as she does on everything else she produces. She has also gone through all the trouble to add appliers for everything including the WowMeh and Loudmouth. So you can go ahead and mesh to your lil hearts content :P
Loves & Kisses
Ramya*Gizmolino*Porcelan*brown brow
Slink Womens AvEnhance Mesh Feet Mid
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Elegant
.aisling. Eunice Gacha Arms Gold
- NEW @ Tales of Fantasy June 10th
.aisling. Eunice Gacha Bracelets Gold
- NEW @ Tales of Fantasy June 10th
.aisling. Eunice Gacha Hands Gold
- NEW @ Tales of Fantasy June 10th
.aisling. Eunice Gacha Chestpiece ULTRA RARE
- NEW @ Tales of Fantasy June 10th
.aisling. Eunice Gacha Headdress RARE Gold
- NEW @ Tales of Fantasy June 10th